Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Comparative Exploration - 11/22/2006 (Early Food Service)


Comparative Commentary



David A. Archer


11/22/2006 - Early Food Service

As I have sat and entered the previous information pertaining to this direction in exploration... I then began to consider the development aspects of the food service industry.

Early on... before there were even "Inns" as can be illustrated in the depictions within even the "Bible," what we know today as a rather social and communal activity of "dining" didn't exist. The only group sort of dining happened as is depicted concerning various forms of "atonement" - and as well in regard to such activities as feasts... some "royal court" and as well common festivities.

Even the idea of "purchased food/dining" didn't come along for centuries. Then it was the early examples of "Inns" which made it a commonality, if I am not mistaken. Beyond of course, the "purchased" allotment of some atonement in the local "church structure."

Of course, as mentioned were the likes of feasts in "celebration" and as well for certain holiday like events.... but these were all entirely communal in that respect. A product of the local community so to speak - sometimes even used as measures of certain types of "atonement" themselves - settling disputes, making amends.... etc.

In the modern church, there is very little represented of these early forms in "atonement" regarding the preparation and consumption of food stuffs in direct relation to the "church." the nearest I can immediately bring to mind, is the continued use in symbolism - of "communion" within the Catholic church. Of course, there are the more communal (than ritual) dining aspects in various forms of "feast" from church organization to church organization here in the United States. But these are never in the sort of "offering" so to speak... beyond the "pot luck" aspect of everyone bringing something from home... and then further, there is no representation of "purchase" in regard to said "feasts."

You aren't allowed (more it is not acceptable socially) to purchase a meal at one of these modern church functions.

Maybe, as I ponder it... there is some example of social divergence within these two directions of development... and in that then, pertaining to the early references (before Christ) to "offerings" and "atonement" in the manner of even purchased food stuffs - is an example within modern popular Christianity of the "effect" pertaining to the introduction of Christ imparting a more communal aspect on the body of popular Christianity?

Perhaps, again as pure conjecture, with that social change in the advent of the "Christ" effect on Christianity in the larger sense... it then became a need to fill the areas being "left behind" in the sense of the earlier assigned - nomadic - tendencies within the idea of Christianity itself?

Again... this being in no way an effort to assign such meaning to the development of things like "Inns" and "food service," but it does stand to reason that in relation to "travel" and further within the simple influence of the social structure itself (being Christianity), that such aspects would develop in those areas of existence.

Where else were early travelers to get their sustenance? Most places could not be hunted under potential punishment from local authorities (kings rights and such). As well, it seems as though such activities would represent a form of "atonement" of itself for a decided "trespass" in/on the land of others during those travels. While such was not necessarily "illegal," in respect to "territories" it still may have been a factor of sorts. "Purchasing ones toll for use of the road" for instance, which traversed someone else's territorial right of way?

This then tends to lean toward the idea that "Lord" is meant to represent a "Lordship," while such may or may not have been the case in reference to the established perception of reasons for earlier (religious) atonement. It does present a rather interesting aspect in the development of such social activities.

It is/was obviously an earlier form of established commerce without any question... and it definitely represents a social "progression" which just as well represents a form of "divergence" with the advent of those things I have noted, as well as other social aspects in motion at the time.

Examples of "progressive corruption" if I do say.

Further then, in a realist angle - a person must take into account the developments within these early developments themselves.

Besides presenting the opportunity for the travel in manners described - these establishments soon made other forms of change - becoming "Pubs(as described)," but as well - developing the aspect of brothels.

I suppose it was soon discovered that the traveler was not only hungry and wanting of shelter - but perhaps in use of some human companionship as well.

To speak in entirely forthright terms, this development (perhaps even in a natural course within human tendency) seems as though it provided a similar service as was the introduction of sustenance in relation to "procuring" and possible violations of surrounding areas - territorially so to speak.

The introduction of the "brothel" aspect may have actually helped to maintain the safety of the local communities at the time. Making available such exchanges, as opposed to the alternative(s) being to "procure" them in some other fashion.

Of course, since civilization and societies have "progressed" such "amenities" have fallen out of a pronounced need for availability in regard to the safety aspect as well as the territorial concerns - and have been relegated more so (as with the food service industry in many respects) entirely into the arena of strictly commerce.

Sunday, November 19, 2006



Comparative Commentary



David A. Archer



In considering recent explorations within my studies, I happen upon the comparative observation between modern restaurant facilities and the aspect of "biblical compliance " which I have recently addressed.

Even though (if) such compliance is simply as a matter of course given the influence as per social and society development... the fact is, is that in some manner there is still a relation - again, IF EVEN ONLY AS A MATTER OF COURSE IN HUMAN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.

The fact is, such social structures as could be considered popular Christianity have been quite a big influence on the development of much of society - simply as a matter of course. In that then, this comparison is founded given the aspects in looking to such (even inadvertent) results in social dynamics.

I am using a design I put together in the effort to illustrate the ease in use of what is available in the modern world pertaining to pre-prepared food products.

I put this example "design" together in an effort to address the existing tension between two extremes within that social atmosphere - one being that such pre-prepared food stuffs are the standard for society, and the other being that such services should be rendered from scratch on site.

Both of which, as I have observed in the modern day, seeming to forget that the idea is to present an experience that is pleasurable for the patron at least.

Such simplicity having been lost in the mire of modern media exposure and various other ego based aspects.

Inherently, within these two extremes is an underlying want to "comply" with something - that something is most often seen as the public level of acceptance that seems to bring notoriety -

Again, many pursuing this sense of fulfillment - seek it from the levels of said recognition. Many within that placing the recognized "goal" as being acceptance of the general public - the clientele that is to say.

This is usually easier to attain within the given area that such efforts are rendered on site from scratch.... much because of an aspect that allows for the design and execution of daily changes - where those institutions utilizing pre-prepared food products, find themselves at a loss in regard to such freedoms.

Within the design and plan I have presented as an example, this "loss" is then compensated for through creating the availability for such perceived "freedoms" to transpire where it is seen as most important - being within the population of the clientele.

Such is done within this example using entirely products which are obtained from a prominent company that supplies the institutional sort of food stuff normally found in those areas seeming to be at a loss of freedom in those areas. It is done through extending the freedom of choice within the area of the clientele, that then creates that area and sense of "compliance" through allowing for many other options to those patrons.

While this is not in the manner of "creating" a distinct diversion from the printed available items - it does comply with providing a larger level of choice within that which is already available.


Where I have come to know the most pronounced areas of difference between the two approaches to the food service industry - is again, in that area of insisting that "consistency" (then becoming machine like through large production) is the key to "quality" and conversely being the idea that "fresh" and human levels of consistency make for the better options.

I have experienced extremes in both areas of the food service industry. I have witnessed the better and poorer examples residing in both. Most times - from my opinion, the worse examples in both areas being as result of a concentration on the concern of said notoriety more than the "quality" that is presented within the product and atmosphere. Usually at that point being of the attitude that it is all simply purchased media exposure which amounts to that perceived level of acceptance.

The aspect I see most predominant in failing to "comply" within that pre-prepared food products area, is very much in the fact that it is quite mechanical and "rigid" so to speak. There aren't many things you can do with something that has already been committed to a definite direction in use - for example, there is only so much that can be done with a "cheese ravioli" from the factory. It is already and will always be a "cheese ravioli." Where, in the other instances - it is possible to do something entirely different with the existing ingredients which comprise the "cheese ravioli." In fact, it is entirely simple to fill the pasta with another easy to produce ingredient combination... rendering an entirely different product.

What I have addressed in this example design, is in utilizing the existing potentials and "positives" which are gained from the use of pre-prepared food stuffs. I simply placed the area of "motion" within the body of "patron," instead of that which exists in the other extreme, being entirely at the whim of the food preparer.

Some people may see this as some form in loss of control as per "product" and consistent "flow," but in the areas where such concerns matter - that motion I have presented is entirely confined within the larger consistency I have noted as per said Pre-prepared food stuffs. It is quite simply allowing for the interchanging of existing available items to meet the needs of that perceived want from the area of "patron." It is no divergence from "consistency" in the least - only an "in the moment" usage of the existing potentials within that "consistency."

When the "menu changes" within this example concept in restaurant design, so then change all of the other existing potentials within that established consistency.

In having explained briefly the gist of this "simple kitchen design," I now find myself again, and even further considering that exploratory relationship (again if only even happenstance) with some other form of "compliance" in regard to my previous study entries;


In considering this aspect in the modern sense - again, if even as per the course of human social development - it is a rather simple thing to see where such things as mechanical consistency began to diverge from the common, and effortless aspects of achieving a "compliance" through every day existence.

As pure conjecture admittedly, how is it that pre-existing - pre-prepared food products could symbolically represent the lot for atonement? That is like saying a person knows what it is that the "larger influence" in their lives is looking for as per some need.

Further, it is like saying they know where it is that they are going to "transgress" in that more common sense... and that what will be rigidly available to them in that area of "compliance" will most assuredly suffice.

Conversely then, in regard to the other extreme within this conjecture example - every day there is something available which is new to that day so to speak.

In a comparative aspect regarding both extremes in regard to this exploratory direction - one extreme is essentially saying to the patron (the individual presumably seeking atonement) - that the set aspects within the pre-prepared arena for instance, are all that the example establishment is prepared to offer for said "atonement" (to meet the appetite needs of the patron) - a "take it or leave it" type of attitude.

The other then is similar in the respect that what they are presenting - even daily, is that which they would presumably be offering for purchase in the interest of said "atonement" (pleasing their appetite).

Again, there is an aspect of "take it or leave it" within this atmosphere as well... though it does possess a greater scope of variables which are readily possible - "au minute" so to speak. Even upon request given "personal needs."

There is a variety of choice within it that does not normally exist within the set, rigid atmosphere of the pre-prepared institutions.

One would be more from the idea of "in the moment" as per needs, while the other from the direction of "we must have it all, so you must be covered" regardless of what it may be that you settle on being as close to potentially satisfactory as is available.

One is presumably from the direction of enjoying a dining experience - while the other is more from the direction of "getting something to eat." While both presumably are in contention for some unseen recognition of being a better means and even statement to that idea of Utopia for instance.

If a person were to then metaphorically consider the "appetite" of the patron as an indicator perhaps, of those existing things they may be seeking "atonement" for.... it then opens up another aspect of the exploratory comparison. This is not entirely unfounded considering that the body usually sees things more appealing to consume that it is in need of from a "nutritional" perspective.

From experience, one extreme presumably (in the best environments) seeks to pique the appetite - actually seeks to address it and present something which then does appeal to that "want."

The other tends to address it through that "consistency" and "girth" approach. Again, in my opinion, while totally missing many of the more appealing potentials within such "size" (as I have presented in the example kitchen design).

Again, I feel I should state that what I see in the one as being the better aspects (being the approach to appealing in that moment) are falling away under the modern strains of concentrating more on the media attention as opposed to addressing that very basic human aspect - which we as a species have developed over the years.

Within what I have presented as an example kitchen design and plan - again in different words, attempts to address that aspect of appeal through presenting the opportunity with the larger consistency, for the variables which may (and do) exist within the body of clientele.


I am suggesting that through the progress of humanity, given the levels of such influence on its development - there is an unavoidable comparison within that direction. Further - if a person considers it.... partaking of food stuffs has always been affiliated with various forms of worship throughout human history. Yet further, it could be considered (and is in many cultures) a holy thing pertaining to that which you may ingest.

Still yet further in comparison - there is something rather special about approaching a menu when you choose to dine somewhere. At least there is supposed to be from my own opinion... even beyond what the television commercial may have said you are supposed to think.

There is an innate human reason that menu items should appeal to you... I think it is a part of that human celebration within and of existence.....

...which again, could be considered very similar to worship in some forms. And I am not speaking of the media attention a "chef" or food establishment may get. I am talking about the simple aspect of enjoying what it is that we have available as society.

It is really an amusing comparison to me. Rather enjoyable in some respects I do not readily expect allot of people to understand.

Please note that I did not include an "alcohol" menu in the kitchen design example, though it is understood that such would be present as well - it simply was not necessary for this exploratory presentation.