Friday, January 05, 2007

Comparative Exploration - 01/05/2007 (Aspects Of Industrialized Food - Canned Compliance?)


Comparative Commentary



David A. Archer



Having continued with my studies, and in noting the various social movements within the subject matter thus far. It then occurs in thought from where it may have been that such efforts such as modern industrialisation of food service could be likened to - beyond of course the steadily created demand for ease of such product availability.

It is very much that such need was created over the development of modern societies, as within human development, much of food preparation was very much derived from scratch so to speak.

What appears to have been the course in such development from that social aspect, was a progression of being able to purchase the adequate allotment at a given establishment, into the possibility of purchasing such adequate allotment for consumption elsewhere. This even beyond an immediate sense.

Of course, this extension in advance occurred with the development of the ability to preserve foods, and then further with the ability to preserve them for a long term in the action of canning and bottling. Which, as can be easily researched, began somewhere around the Napoleon Bonaparte era, being created firstly as a means to feed great numbers of troops.

It then, as is obvious - became rather popular after some years as a means through which to offer other products to the general public.

In regard to the relation I see in development as per the influence of such early concerns as was "atonement" - it is a simple thing to liken such as a sort of extension of that social consistency in purchasing a portion where it was that the given individual(s) had no offering of their own in those instances.

This development concerning canned goods, then seems to open many other options within the consideration of such symbolic atonement. Even in the manner as not to be immediately perceived as such by any given individual.

In essence then, within that reasoning and the advent of volume - voluminous production and consumption, such developments also began to form a sort of automatic atonement value of themselves.

Again, while it is that I am making no claim as to a direct relation pertaining to such social and human development(s). It is that through a simple association as per the influence of such human progress from the comparative consistencies - that many of these things could be seen as in relation to. Particularly in the previously mentioned Inns and Pubs then leading to modern restaurants and fast food establishments.

Within this comparison - this pronounced split between the methods of from scratch at home developing into purchased portions and canned goods to augment it, and the action of purchasing such portion at a given establishment - is very much of several elemental aspects.

The direction of canned goods firstly, was not derived in such interests as to provide for said portion. In fact, such was not derived for the initial purpose of use in the domestic home life, at all. As stated, such was developed initially, purely in the interest of feeding soldiers at war, as it was rather difficult to field large armies at any distance from friendly territories in such a day and age. Factually, as is widely known in such concerns, feeding the soldiers was a rather great and problematic concern. Until such time as canned goods were developed.

When it was that the use of such technological advance was then applied to augment the domestic life, it was with much effort that many of the first offerings there in, had to be promoted. Again, given the consistency of the day and age being that food stuffs were prepared from staples in the majority. Even such which was derived from purchase at the local butcher shop and grocery. themselves being a sort of extension in the very same manner as was/is the development and introduction of canned goods into that series of potentials.

The development of such, again presented a greater freedom so to speak, in regard to the comparison of atonement within that voluminous production and consumption.Though, as noted previously, along with it came many limitations as I have attempted to explore. ~

In contrast then within this direction of thought, is the earlier version of such purchase - being that from a given sort of establishment as previously explored.

Again, it is that I am making no claim as per a direct - purposeful development here. And further, it is that I am in no way ignoring the other forms of social eating from other cultures/civilizations. There isn't a culture which has existed that didn't have some form of feasting in celebration and/or worship of something. It is only that this is to explore the influence perhaps, of a considerable social mechanism, historically. The consistency of what is now referred to as Christianity, is remarkable through the ages. Especially within more modern history.

Further, as can be seen within the pages of the Bible in the early books, can be found evidence of purposeful designs in the direction of purchased food stuffs.. and even yet further, purchased food stuffs in the activity of celebration/worship.

From my personal perspective at this point, such definitely indicates a considerable potential of/for influence in those early forms of such development as was various forms of hospitality and food service.

Further, as a person can reason that the emulation of such a formidable influence as was/is said consistency of the bible for instance, on/within society developed into the aspect of Lord being seen as sovereign and atonement being purchased at the local travelers Inn as per..... it can then be just as simple to see the continued development in progression within that reasoning. Then further to see the divergence within that progression between the Inn/Pub and the domestic atmosphere with that advent of the possibility to purchase and consume at a far later time than the previously possible, immediate.

As well as has been noted, the use of such preserved/packaged food stuffs within the food service industry then brought about yet another subtle divergence in a sort of combined aspect. Being that the previous explored divergence - difference as per the development of such products - was then extended into the establishments as well. Though not being affiliated with the divergence in the more general areas of society concerned with canned goods in the home.

Seperate divergence, together - simultaneously so to speak.


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